In a time when the conditions of work are changing rapidly, it becomes increasingly important to understand and shape the opportunities of the future. Too often, we get stuck in projecting the past into the future.
This is where AI-enhanced foresight plays a crucial role in helping us see new, possible paths into future scenarios. And in making decisions today that increase the chances of a desired future.
What makes an organisation unique? It’s not the technology, buildings, or systems. It’s the sum of the organisation’s collective intelligence – a weave of competence, experience, and human wisdom. And it’s when we tap into this that we can see a more multifaceted way forward.
A specially trained AI’s ability to amplify this collective intelligence, combined with carefully facilitated foresight work, gives us an entirely new opportunity to navigate the unknown.
By uncovering hidden assumptions and identifying weak signals, I see in workshop after workshop how this process gives voice to opportunities far greater than what could be discovered by humans alone.
Mia Öhrn
+46(0)70 836 42 00